
We are a group concerned with the planned redundancies at the University of Central Lancashire. This page claims no affiliation with UCLAN. All photographs used have been found in the public domain
Sign the student petition to save jobs and protect education at UCLAN

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

What are our universities doing with all the money?

Well, they certainly aren't investing money in staff, as we know to our cost. UCU provide some insights here as to what is happening in the sector as a whole. Evidence of vainglorious projects to boost management CVs and justify their high wages, pay increases, bonuses and pensions. This when academics' pay has actually gone down by about 13%, and they continue to cut staff delivering the actual service of education and support to students.

We have found out through a Freedom of Information request, apparently issued by staff in UCLAN Psychology (and revealed in materials distributed by UCU today), that the management there has all along been planning to down-grade staff, undermine the national framework agreement and bypass the unions to introduce inferior role descriptions, pay and conditions. More information on that FOI request and its revelations to come...


  1. These redundancy plans undermine the very fabric of what a university is. At the core of a university lies its staff. Deliberately replacing experienced and knowledgeable staff in their prime with novices is contra to a university's mission to provide a high quality education. UCLAN should not be allowed to proceed with these academic redundancies.

    1. Indeed Richard. And management keep contradicting themselves - talking about making UCLAN a centre for 'world class teaching and learning' and 'research-informed' teaching with one breath, and the next announcing plans to replace their most experienced educators with inexperienced junior staff on low pay and awful terms and conditions. UCLAN has forged an excellent regional reputation for what it does and the university IS its frontline staff. It's extraordinary these people do not realise the folly of it. It defies any logic. We must stop them from destroying our institution. We know this will not end at UCLAN either. It's a slippery slope for HE if they get away with it.

  2. This decision by UCLAN senior management to make redundant 4-5 academic staff in psychology undermines the principles of academic and university culture. A successful university thrives upon its reputation for excellent research, as well as teaching by academics who are at the research coalface and therefore can deliver quality, research-informed teaching. Replacing established academic staff with individuals on part time associate lecturer contracts will undoubtedly be detrimental to UCLAN's student experience and research portfolio.

  3. This seems all part of a wider plan to move once again to privatisation and to subsume the UK operations under the overseas plans. If they are not stopped the future looks bleak for staff and students at UCLan.

  4. one answer has been given - thanks to UCU

    My feeling is that your struggle is very important for the future of Universities in the UK. I wish you well.
