
We are a group concerned with the planned redundancies at the University of Central Lancashire. This page claims no affiliation with UCLAN. All photographs used have been found in the public domain
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Monday, 17 February 2014

The Freedom of Information Request (1)

So, here, as promised, is more information on that Freedom of Information request submitted by staff in Psychology. Below are copies of emails from the Dean of Psychology Linden Ball (LB) and the Human Resources Manager Jacky Joseph (JJ) regarding the 'workforce planning' in Psychology. Some context: there is also discussion in the emails of new role descriptions (or JDs) which, contrary to the national framework agreement with UCU, propose that work currently done at a particular grade would belong to a lower grade, i.e. down-grading staff and proposing to pay them less for the same job. UCU have refused to agree the role descriptions which are yet to be implemented. The university denies they are intending to use them to down-grade people. Instead the phrase used in some meetings has been 're-deploy staff into different roles' - management-speak for the same thing. The role descriptions suggest that only staff making substantial contributions to research be on Lecturer or Senior Lecturer grades (the latter being renamed in the new model 'Assistant Professor'). Staff involved primarily in teaching, and expected to do pedagogic research only, are designated as Teaching Fellows or Senior Teaching Fellows (the latter only if holding substantial admin/leadership roles such as Division Leaders).

From the bottom you'll see the original email sent from JJ giving the Deans carte blanche to do whatever they wish with their Schools, ignoring all agreements with the union  ("At this stage, you are being asked to think radically about what this structure would look like, without, for example, the current constraints enforced by national agreements and our current grading structures/role profiles"). A number of prompts have been provided to guide the Deans' thinking (in a redacted document), no doubt encouraging Deans to consider getting rid of highly paid staff and appointing cheap Associate Lecturers, and such other gems common to many Schools' workforce planning proposals.

The tone of the Dean is quite striking here, especially as this is someone only joining the university in Sept 2012, and planning, as his vision for the School, with no cost-containment pressure, to make 4 or 5 very experienced staff redundant.  He is "very pleased" with how it's all coming together and he notes openly where the lack of a financial imperative weakens the case for such 'non trivial' workforce planning, making it tricky to justify. It's sometimes hard to forget his vision involves ending the livelihood of 5 people who, for some years,  have been loyal and dedicated employees of the institution that he has been working at for all of 5 minutes. Indeed, the email dated 4 January 2013 is where he informs HR of having written a draft of the workforce planning proposal. He has been in post, by this point, for a little over 3 months.

Readers will note the large number of exemptions and redactions where information concerns some individuals or is purportedly commercially sensitive.

Other key players in the emails are Dave Phoenix, Deputy Vice Chancellor, and Rod Dubrow-Marshall, Pro-VC (the Dean of Psych's line manager).

One highlight to look out for is the Dean's email to HR asking for advice on how to deal with the 'trickle' of student complaints, or 'unrest' as it is curiously referred to ("A University-wide email to all students might be useful, unless, of course, the unrest seems specific to Psychology, which wouldn’t surprise me!")

The emails are best followed if read from the bottom up.


Linden Ball
Sent: 12 June 2013 08:22
To: Dawn Pinckard
Cc: Frances Ann Kirby
RE: Workforce Planning – Psychology

Hi Dawn,

Thanks for these figures - and for clarifying the assumptions that underpin them. I'm trying to work out how you calculated the savings/additions for Proposal A and Proposal B on the basis of the current cost structure. I wonder if the figure you've supplied for the current structure should be £2040k rather than £2340k, since that would make sense of the £131k saving (Proposal A) and £88k addition (Proposal B) that you mention?

Thanks and best wishes,

From: Dawn Pinckard
Sent: 11 June 2013 15:28
To: Linden BallCc: Frances Ann Kirby
Subject: RE: Workforce Planning - Psychology

Hi Linden

I have done the costings based on the data for the FTEs you have provided  (the cost is just for the actual staffing element so does not include non pay/staff dev or other staff recharges).  ****Exempt s.43(2)****

Current structure cost = £2340k
Proposal A cost = £1909k (saving £131k on current cost)
Proposal B cost = £2127k (additional £88k on current cost)

I have used actual staff costs (estimated for the 13/14 budget) so this reflects the actual grades of current staff.  The reduction in L/SL posts I have assumed will all happen at SL (I44) grade.  I was not sure of the grade for Teaching Fellow or Adjunct staff so have used L grade (H35) for the TF and AL grade (G32) for the Adjunct.

The document that Dave provided shows that the School should get an additional £70k budget, so hopefully Proposal B will be looked upon favourably.


From: Linden Ball 
Sent: 09 June 2013 15:15
To: Dawn Pinckard
Subject: Workforce Planning - Psychology

Dear Dawn,

****Exempt s.40(2)**** I've found time to do some work on drafting a workforce planning document (see attached) ahead of the School's upcoming Performance Review meeting. The document isn't complete yet but does contain relevant details relating to a re-configured staffing model for the School (see page 5, Table 1).

From the table you will see that I am proposing two revised structures. ****Exempt s.43(2)****

****Exempt s.40(2)****

With best wishes,

From: Linden Ball
Sent: 19 June 2013 15:26
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: RE: Actions from Performance review meeting.

Hi Jacky,

Thanks so much for these notes, which are really very helpful! No problem at all with the delay; I’m sure you’ve been pretty busy of late….

Looking forward to catching up tomorrow.

With best wishes,

From: Jacky Joseph 
Sent: 19 June 2013 14:37
To: Linden Ball
Subject: Actions from Performance review meeting.

Hi Linden,

Apologies for the delay but please find below my notes from the performance review meeting last week.

We are meeting tomorrow and so I can go through and clarify any of these if necessary.

         LB to provide a 1 page summary of proposals regarding ****Exempt s.43(2)****

         LB to speak to Lynne Livesey re Division leaders.  (It was acknowledged in the meeting that the use of divisional leaders would not be as straight forward in a school such a Psychology due to the nature of the subjects.  However it was felt that the School is akin to the Law School and therefore it would be worthwhile having a discussion with Lynne to look at whether she was going to implement Divisional leaders and how.)
         LB/JJ to produce a detailed action plan outlining:
o   Timeline for the changes within the school.
o   Appointment of a ****Exempt s.43(2)****
o   Review of profs/readers – ****Exempt s.43(2)****
o   Clarify the roles of the PL’s
o   Reduction in number of SL’s
o   Appointment of a lecturer in ****Exempt s.43(2)****

Kind regards
Jacky Joseph 

From: David Andrew Phoenix
Sent: 25 July 2013 13:39
To: Aidan Richard Clive Worsley; Akintola Akintoye; Allison Elizabeth Jones; Andrea Burch; Antony DEmanuele; Debra Hayley Duxbury; Dharma Kovvuri; Frances Ann Kirby; Graham Baldwin; Isabel Maria Donnelly; Joanne Parker; John H Minten; Judith Dillon; Judith Jackson; Julie Mary Howard; Katherine O'Neil; Kathryn Elizabeth Clements; Lawrence Hugh Mair; Linden Ball; Louise Jane Nelson; Lynn Mary Byrne; Lynne Margaret Livesey; M Glenda Brindle; Mick Gornall; Nigel Harrison; Patricia Ann Beard; Paul Pollard; Robert Roy Wallace; S Faulks; Sarah-jayne Butler; Stjohn Crean; Yvonne L Duncan
Cc: Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall; Pauline Davies-taylor; Alison Smith; Gill Bruce
Subject: Update on Reshaping Work

Message dictated by DP, but sent on his behalf, during his absence on leave
Just to update you with respect to the work on Reshaping the Workforce.
We now have all the first drafts of the action plans in, bar one or two. Myself and Rod will work through these over the coming weeks, with a view to feeding back around the week of the 12th August. As per the schedule outlined, this should enable us to get final sign-off of these plans towards the end of August, as discussed at the recent Deans’ meeting.
Myself and Rod have been through UCU comments on job descriptions and I hope these will be with you shortly. You are then free to discuss these with staff in parallel with finalisation of the action plans.
Finally, when I return in a couple of weeks’ time, myself, Rod and HR will work with you on a one-page summary for use in discussion with staff once the action plans have been signed off.
Professor David Phoenix, OBE, AcSS, DSc, FRSC, FIBiol, FIMA, SFHEA
Deputy Vice Chancellor
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, PR1 2HE
Tel: 01772 892504
Fax: 01772 892936

From: David Andrew Phoenix
Sent: 30 August 2013 10:59
To: DL-SchoolHeads
Cc: Pauline Davies-taylor; Alison Smith; Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall; Christine Ann Reid; Lyn Butler
Subject: Action Plans


I thought it would be worthwhile providing an update on where we are at with respect to the action plans:

You have the role profiles now – these have had input from yourselves and UCU. These can be used to provide staff with more details on what we anticipate the roles to be and what we would expect of them. They are based on the initial consultation by the VC and align with the feedback from that consultation. We are not expecting major changes now but this  gives staff the chance to raise questions – which we will reflect on and may lead to some changes. It has been suggested that, following circulation of the role profiles, it may be beneficial to have a range of Frequently Asked Questions for staff members.  I will start assembling this with HR.  If you have any specific questions or points you wish to be included, please forward them 

I have asked Finance to rework projected budgets based on the snapshot of current recruitment.  This will enable us to check whether or not action plans are still in line with the assumptions made earlier this year. This has led to a few weeks delay but given some school fluctuations it makes sense to make use of current recruitment performance.

I have arranged a meeting with Rod today to review the action plans with HR and Finance.  We will seek to get  feedback to Deans over 5-10days.  Given we have taken the opportunity to review these in light of the current recruitment position these could in some cases require further change but  I am aiming for all these to be signed-off and approved over the next 2 weeks.

We have a Deans meeting on 18th September.  At this point all workforce action plans should be signed off and each School should have generated a one-page summary of proposals for consultation with staff.  HRMs will help advise on this comms paper.

The overall process itself is  being finalised and your HRM will discuss it with you over the next two weeks to seek your input.  It will also be discussed with UCU to seek their input so that, by the time we reach our  meeting on the 18th, it is anticipated that the process will have been finalised.

We are aiming for consultations within  Schools to  therefore start the week following the Deans meeting

In summary:
Frequently Asked Questions being assembled; feed in any you wish to be considered.

The process and timeline has been drafted and will be reviewed with you in the next few weeks, ready for roll-out.

You will receive feedback on the action plans and final sign-off subject to any changes based on expected recruitment patterns in the coming days.

You need to prepare, with HR, your one-page overview for use as a consultation document within your School.

From: David Andrew Phoenix
Sent: 12 September 2013 15:21
To: Aidan Richard Clive Worsley; Akintola Akintoye; Allison Elizabeth Jones; Andrea Burch; Andrew Ireland; Antony DEmanuele; Debra Hayley Duxbury; Dharma Kovvuri; Frances Ann Kirby; Graham Baldwin; Isabel Maria Donnelly; Joanne Parker; John H Minten; Judith Dillon; Judith Jackson; Julie Mary Howard; Katherine O'Neil; Kathryn Elizabeth Clements; Linden Ball; Louise Jane Nelson; Lynn Mary Byrne; Lynne Margaret Livesey; M Glenda Brindle; Nigel Harrison; Patricia Ann Beard; Robert Roy Wallace; S Faulks; Sarah-jayne Butler; Stjohn Crean; Yvonne L Duncan
Subject: Guidance on Academic Roles

Attachments: ****Exempt s.43(2)****

First of all apologies.  Following SMT, I investigated the materials that had been circulated and the pack was not that which I thought had gone out.  Please find attached the material you should have had. 
This, in the main, is not new, but it pulled together the principles paper that we discussed at the Deans’ meeting, incorporating amendments from those meetings.  It outlines activities to be undertaken with the staff and it includes the current versions of the job descriptions.
There are still some inconsistencies in the job descriptions and hopefully, through this next process, we will be able to further firm up on the content. 
As I indicated at SMT, we do not have all the answers at this stage.  If you have any queries please feel free to contact me directly.
Once again, apologies for not having picked up on the error earlier.

From: Alison Smith
Sent: 22 September 2013 17:55
To: Linden Ball
Cc: Gill Bruce
Subject: Re: New Job Descriptions - Feedback from Psychology

Thanks linden, they are helpful comments and we'll feed them in.


Sent from my iPad

On 17 Sep 2013, at 12:43, "Linden Ball" <> wrote:
Dear Alison,

I only have a small amount of feedback from Psychology colleagues relating to the new/revised JDs. I apologise for the delay in getting this feedback to you; I realise that it was supposed to be with you yesterday.

By way of context I note that I scheduled a meeting last Friday to discuss the JDs with colleagues but no one turned up! Because we are a highly unionised School I received a raft of apologies last week whereby colleagues stated that they felt obliged to honour the UCU advice to decline any offers to participate in discussions with their Deans about the JDs. A few colleagues, however, did email me a some issues and questions that they wanted to raise, which I summarise below:

1. One concern (expressed by a few people) relates to the title of “Assistant Professor”, given that the term is standard in the US, where it denotes an early career lecturer/researcher, often at entry level and without full tenure. In the US it is only once as Assistant Professor had gained full tenure they the are then likely to be promoted to “Associate Professor”. There is, therefore, a concern that colleagues in the US might misunderstand the term “Assistant Professor” in the context that UCLAN is using it, because of its association with early career work. As such, it does not seem to be appropriate a job title for staff working as Senior Lecturers, with many years of teaching and research experience.

I replied by explaining the US situation also makes existing UK titles such as “Lecturer” and “Senior Lecturer” problematic since anything with “Lecturer” in the tile in the US is seen as a role that has much less prestige than anything with "Professor" in the title. In the US Lecturers simply teach and these positions are non-tenure track and also involve no research or publishing requirement. I additionally noted that within UK and Europe there is an growing move toward using the Assistant Professor and Associate Professor titles such that they are becoming increasingly meaningful and prestigious within the more immediate geographic context.

2. Another concern was that  titles like “Teaching Fellow” and “Senior Teaching Fellow” could be misunderstood externally since they are roles that seem to denote early career work, rather than a display of years of experience. A related issue was with such individuals seeking  career progression externally, say to a Senior Lecturer post, where the TF and STF  label might not be taken very seriously.

I noted that both the Teaching Fellow and Senior Teaching Fellow posts would recognise excellence in relation to teaching, learning and pedagogic research and would be a credible roles that would have good external currency in terms of staff having demonstrable expertise in ensuring very high quality teaching.  The Senior Teaching Fellow role should also be viewed as a high status one that is associated with significant expectations in terms of  course leadership and academic management.

3. One colleague noted that there may be some issues of the use of the TF and STF titles when it comes to professional body accreditation for UG and PGT programmes. They noted, for example, that some of our MSc programmes  expect the course leader/director to be working at SL/PL level.  It was further noted, however, that any potential issues here would not be insurmountable and usually just required careful explanations to be given to the accrediting body regarding titles, roles and responsibilities.

4. One KT active colleague stated that they thought there was going to be an institutional move toward recognising a more KT focused Reader role. They also commented that the Assistant Professor role states that the individual may be research “or” KT active, yet the listed duties and responsibilities place an almost exclusive emphasis on research rather than KT.  

That’s it from Psychology! Not much, but as I mentioned, that’s because of the UCU directive.

With best wishes,

From: David Andrew Phoenix
Sent: 03 October 2013 16:56
To: Aidan Richard Clive Worsley; Akintola Akintoye; Alison Chambers; Allison Elizabeth Jones; Andrea Burch; Andrew Ireland; Antony DEmanuele; Carolyn Ann Williams; Catherine Ann Kilmartin; Debra Hayley Duxbury; Dharma Kovvuri; Frances Ann Kirby; Isabel Maria Donnelly; Jackie Morgan; Jeannine Sullivan; Jenny Leanne Gavell; Joanne Clarkson; Joanne Parker; John H Minten; Judith Dillon; Judith Jackson; Julie Mary Howard; Katherine O'Neil; Linden Ball; Louise Jane Nelson; Lynne Margaret Livesey; M Glenda Brindle; Michael Ahern; Michelle Fletcher; Nigel Harrison; Patricia Ann Beard; Robert Roy Wallace; Robert William Walsh; Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall; S Faulks; Sarah-jayne Butler; Stjohn Crean; Susan Anne Conduit; Susan Avanson; Yvonne L Duncan
Cc: Pauline Davies-taylor; Alison Smith; Michael Ahern; Deborah Karen Reid
Subject: follow on from Deans meeting

Attachments: ****Exempt s.43(2)****


As promised, I have followed up with Finance – detailed analysis is attached. 

I have also attached to this email a short summary of what I believe the position to be for each School (in round figures ). 

Please note that Schools need different combinations of cost containment plus business efficiency.  This is what the one-page communication strategy should identify.  Please also note that, as indicated on the attached, these figures include: 

FT UG Home & EU Years 0-4 and Sandwich students on Preston Campus

FT UG Home & EU Years 0-4 and Sandwich students on Burnley Campus

The following categories therefore have not yet been reviewed and updated (due to enrolments happening later, or we need to wait for external information to be confirmed):

All undergraduate part time categories

All postgraduate taught and postgraduate research categories

All partnership activity, both UK and overseas based, both income and payments due

All international activity

All NHS contract activity

Non-standard activity continuing from 2012/13

If you believe you will have a shortfall in other areas, you may wish to include an estimate for this from Finance because I would not wish Schools to complete the exercise and then identify further shortfalls.  I agreed with you in summer that we would re-run the analysis based on real enrolments at this time point, hence the snapshot on 27th September.  This will now form the basis of the budget allocation for this year.  As usual there will be a mid-year review after Christmas.
Following completion of your one-page communication document with your HRM by 11th October, we will formally sign these off at the Project Board on 16th October. You will then be in a position to present your proposals to the unions and commence consultations with your staff. 

After this we will review the position within each School, considering what was needed, what has been achieved and what, if any, further action is required.  Staff leaving through voluntary redundancy, depending on business need, could be asked to leave before Christmas, at the end of Semester 1 or at the end of Semester 2.  It will be up to Deans to determine if an application for VR is supported and this should be on the basis of the skills required.

In parallel to the above, Deans have copies of the job descriptions which you can continue to discuss with staff.  To help prevent confusion and crossover I suggest that we seek to have any final comments on these by 18th   October with a view to having finalised documents by 31st October.  


Professor David Phoenix, OBE, AcSS, DSc, FRSC, FIBiol, FIMA, SFHEADeputy Vice Chancellor
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, PR1 2HE

Tel: 01772 892504
Fax: 01772 892936

From: Pauline Davies-taylor
Sent: 15 October 2013 14:54
To: DL-SchoolHeads
Cc: David Andrew Phoenix; Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall; Jessica Shaw; Alison Smith; Deana Jane Shackleton; Gill Bruce; Helen Jones; Jacky Joseph; Kate Elizabeth Overend; Kirstie Louise Taylor; Lyn Butler; Pauline Davies-taylor; Rebecca Hewitson
Subject: Schools Consultation

Dear All
Just to confirm the process we agreed at the Dean’s meeting re consultation.
The overview documents will be signed off this week.
HR will meet with the TUs on Monday 21st Oct between 2-3pm and share all the affected schools “overview” documentation. This will be the start of the 45 day consultation period (ending weds 4th Dec).
Following this meeting Deans will commence consultation with their staff. Please discuss with your HRM the approach for your school and arrange appropriate meetings. In addition Jess will contact your PA to arrange a time for you to attend a TU meeting to discuss your proposals in more detail with the Unions.
Any queries do not hesitate to contact your HRM, myself, Alison or Lyn.

Pauline Davies Taylor
HR Director
Human Resources
T: 01772 892316

From: Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall
Sent: 17 October 2013 09:57
To: DL-SchoolHeads
Cc: Pauline Davies-taylor; Alison Smith; David Andrew Phoenix; Michael Ahern; Deborah Karen Reid; David Becker
Subject: Urgent: School workforce consultation meetings and summary plans

Dear Colleagues,
Following this week’s meeting of the Project Executive it has been agreed that a number of amendments to the School summary workforce plans may be required and that 1:1 meetings (as currently being arranged) with each Dean will pick these up and will also prepare for the consultation meetings with staff in the Schools (for the 12 Schools proceeding at this time). As a consequence the discussion with the trades unions to introduce the School workforce changes will now not take place until Monday 28th October – this is the day that the 45 day consultation will commence and consultation meetings with staff in the Schools should be scheduled for after this date. Please therefore reschedule any meetings with staff that have been already set  up for before 28th October.
Many thanks,

Professor Rod Dubrow-Marshall PhD, MBPsS,
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience),
University of Central Lancashire,
Preston, Lancashire, UK
Tel. (+44) (0)1772-892512

From: Pauline Davies-taylor
Sent: 29 October 2013 14:39
To: DL-SchoolHeads
Cc: Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall; Gill Bruce; Alison Smith; Pauline Davies-taylor
Subject: Associate Lecturers

Dear All,

Following on from the Deans meeting, just to confirm the numbers for Associate Lecturers please see below the extract from the Framework Agreement:

Associate Lecturers would not exceed a combined FTE figure that was greater than
10% of the total University career academic workforce and no more than 15% in any

Given that we no longer have faculties we would rely on the 10% of the total university career academic workforce.



Pauline Davies Taylor
HR Director
Human Resources
T: 01772 892316

From: Jacky Joseph
Sent: 01 November 2013 14:48
To: Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall; Pauline Davies-taylor; Alison Smith
Cc: Linden Ball
Subject: Psychology Rationale

Attachments: Psychology - Rationale 01.11.13.R1.docx ****Exempt s.21****

Dear All,

Further to the discussions that took place earlier this week, Linden has now amended his proposal in line with what was discussed and his final version is now attached for consideration by the Project Exec on Tuesday.

Kind regards

Jacky Joseph
HR Manager
University of Central Lancashire
Tel: 01772 892335
Fax: 01772 892933


From: Linden Ball
Sent: 18 November 2013 17:08
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: RE: Student unrest in Psychology re. buniness efficiency proposals

Hi Jacky,
Excellent. Thanks for getting back to me quickly and thanks for confirming that there will be HR representation at tomorrow’s meeting with Michael, Joel and Alison. I look forward to receiving further advice. I guess the Q&A to students is not dissimilar to how the press is being informed/updated etc.
Best wishes,

From: Jacky Joseph
Sent: 18 November 2013 17:00
To: Linden Ball
Subject: RE: Student unrest in Psychology re. buniness efficiency proposals

Hi Linden,
I understand that there is a meeting tomorrow re Q&A’s for students with Michael Ahern, Joel Arber and Alison Blackburn. Someone from HR will now also attend this meeting in order to feed in the sorts of queries that you have raised and we will therefore let you know what the outcome is following this re the proposed approach re responding to students on these issues.
Kind regards

From: Linden Ball
Sent: 18 November 2013 13:27
To: Jacky Joseph
Cc: Peter K Robinson
Subject: Student unrest in Psychology re. buniness efficiency proposals

Hi Jacky,
I’m starting to get a trickle of emails from students (including the UCLan Psychology Society) wishing to receive clarification/reassurances on the business efficiency proposals for the School. In the case of the UCLan Psychology Society it seems that they had written directly to the VC’s Office, but their request for a meeting with Gerry has quite rightly been deflected back to me. I can only assume that these student emails are arising because Psychology staff are fuelling unrest by issuing incorrect information that is aimed specifically at scaremongering.
Is there a HR steer on how best to handle these student-related concerns? At the moment I’m happy to meet with individual students or small groups of students so as to provide reassurances, but if the trickle of requests becomes a torrent then such one-to-ones will soon become unmanageable. Perhaps it is worth pre-empting escalating concerns with a brief statement that can be sent out the student body that clarifies that at present we are in a consultation period regarding draft proposals, with nothing finalised. In addition, the students are no doubt seeking reassurances that if any decisions are taken to implement the proposals then the impact on their experience will be minimised. A University-wide email to all students might be useful, unless, of course, the unrest seems specific to Psychology, which wouldn’t surprise me!

Thanks for any advice.
With best wishes,

From: Linden Ball
Sent: 06 November 2013 13:06
To: Jacky Joseph
Cc: Frances Ann Kirby
Subject: Psychology - Letter inviting to full staff meeting
Attachments: Psychology - Letter inviting to full staff meeting 06.11.13.docx ****Exempt s.21****

Dear Jacky,
Please see attached for the letter inviting staff in Psychology to a full staff meeting re. the workforce proposals.
Thanks for checking through this for me and ensuring that it’s good-to-go out to all staff when we get the green light.
I’m currently aware of 3 members of staff who will definitely be unavailable to attend the proposed meeting slots:
****Exempt s.40(2)****
****Exempt s.40(2)****
****Exempt s.40(2)****
Best wishes,

From: Pauline Davies-taylor
Sent: 05 November 2013 20:06
To: Linden Ball
Cc: Jacky Joseph; Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall
Subject: Final School Summary
Attachments: Psychology - Rationale 01.11.13.R1.docx ****Exempt s.21****

Please find attached your school’s approved final Summary. Please just check it closely as small changes may have been made to the one you submitted. We intend to share this with the TUs on Thursday morning


From: Linden Ball
Sent: 01 November 2013 13:16
To: Jacky Joseph
Cc: Frances Ann Kirby
Subject: RE: Staff meetings + Final Workforce Plan
Attachments: Psychology - Rationale 01.11.13.R1.docx ****Exempt s.21****
Importance: High

Hi Jacky,
Fran will sort out the staff meetings so that you can attend. I attach the finalised workforce plan for dissemination after you’ve checked my amendments. Please feel free to send this out to everyone who needs it since I’ll now be in an ACAS workshop until 3.30 pm.

From: Jacky Joseph
Sent: 01 November 2013 11:47
To: Linden Ball
Subject: Staff meetings

Hi Linden,
I have just checked my diary for next week and I will struggle next Friday morning for a whole staff meeting as ****Exempt s.40(2)**** I am free after 2pm if that is convenient for you? On the following Monday, at present I am free all morning.

Kind regards
Jacky Joseph

From: Linden Ball
Sent: 11 October 2013 19:33
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: RE: Psychology - Workforce Planning - Comms Statement

Thanks Jacky. I'm very happy that you've sent this draft through to Dave and Rod. I agree that Psychology is in quite a different position to the other schools in that cost containment is not really a relevant issue. I found that without mentioning the re-profiling element there was little else to talk about that made much sense! Certainly our staff will welcome clarity on the future staff profile for the School so that they can see where things are heading. Anyway, I think you've done the right things and we'll see what directorate make of it. Thanks again for the helpful feedback.

Best wishes,


From: Jacky Joseph
Sent: 11 October 2013 13:33
To: Linden Ball
Subject: RE: Psychology - Workforce Planning - Comms Statement

Hi Linden,
Many thanks for this. Apologies that I was not able to get back to you before noon. ****Exempt s.40(2)****
I think your proposal reads well, my only caution would be around the detailed discussion about the ****Exempt s.43(2)**** and the re-profiling element as I had asked other Deans to take this out as this will not be done until phase 2. That being said, they are in a different position to you in that they had costs to cut and therefore needed to concentrate on this.
I will therefore forward your proposal to Rod and Dave as it is and effectively let them make the decision as to whether they are happy for us to leave this in at this stage. Hope you are ok with this approach.
Kind regards

From: Linden Ball
Sent: 10 October 2013 14:38
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: Psychology - Workforce Planning - Comms Statement
Attachments: Psychology - Draft Rationale 10.10.13.docx; School of Psychology - ****Exempt s.21****
****Exempt s.43(2)****

Hi Jacky,
Please find attached the rationale that I have drafted by way of a comms statement to staff in Psychology re. proposed workforce changes. Many of the heading in the template didn’t apply to Psychology because of our fairly unique financial position, which centres around business efficiencies and workforce re-shaping rather than cost-containment per se. I think I’ve capture all that I need to say in this statement and that the proposal is logical and coherent. Do get back to me if you think otherwise or if you feel I have missed something critical. Likewise, do say if I’ve extended beyond what I need to say at any point. Thanks.
In many ways this was very easy to write since I have a very clear notion of what I’m proposing for the School. At the same time things are slightly tricky in that I’m trying to explain some non-trivial workforce re-profiling in the absence of significant costs-savings requirements. Still, I’m hoping that on balance what I’m proposing comes across clearly and makes sense.
If you can feed back any comments before noon tomorrow I’ll be able to deal with them whilst on the train to Euston. After noon I’ll be out of email contact until I get home late evening.
****Exempt s.43(2)****

Thanks and best wishes,
Professor Linden J Ball | Dean, School of Psychology

From: Dawn Pinckard
Sent: 19 July 2013 12:04
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: RE: Confidential - Workforce plan
Attachments: ****Exempt s.43(2)****

Hi Jacky
I have completed the table below for Psychology but included the cost ‘VARIANCE’ not the total cost as confirmed with Nichola (I attach my workings in case you need the cost rather than just the variance). Please note that the figures in the STF/TF column are all at TF grade.

Total FTE
All content exempt s.43(2)


Proposal A

Cost Variance

Proposal B

Cost Variance

Overall Changes

*Proposal B relates to the longer term plan for 2014/15 which includes the ****Exempt s.43(2)**** through the addition of 2 x L posts and equates to an overall cost increase of £****Exempt s.40(2)**** from the current position.

From: Linden Ball
Sent: 15 July 2013 01:38
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: RE: CONFIDENTIAL: Workforce Planning
Attachments: ****Exempt s.43(2)****

Categories: *Urgent

Hi Jacky,

****Exempt s.40(2)**** On the latter, many thanks for the excellent draft of the summary staffing profile and the summary actions for Psychology. I've checked through this and made a few minor amendments (see attached version). In summary:
1. Your split in our number of profs and readers was slightly wrong (i.e., we have more readers and less profs than you noted - although the combined numbers were right) so I've corrected this. The 'overall changes' at the bottom of the table still tally up the same.
2. I've been doing some planning around SL and STF numbers and thematic roles in order to work out what the School needs to deliver its thematic priorities. My thinking is that we would ****Exempt s.43(2)****
3. I think it would also be ideal to have ****Exempt s.43(2)**** , but what we need for this in terms of expertise in "learning technologies" would almost certainly require an appointment from outside of the existing workforce. I have reflected this in Action Point 8. Note that ****Exempt s.43(2)**** So, this all works out okay. Everything else remains as you had it in terms of roles and dates - and also assumptions re****Exempt s.43(2)**** . I've just re-worded a few things here and there in a very minor way.
I'll now push on with drafting the one-page rationale for ****Exempt s.43(2)**** and will also do some further work on defining SL and STF roles for the School (i.e., numbers and thematic leadership remits as well as the attendant rationale). I'm nearly there with the latter, having had a useful couple of hours with Andrew Churchill on Friday in which we had a good think about what exactly the School requires. Essentially, it seems like all the dots join up very effectively in terms of having a coherent workface plan. I'm very pleased with the way things are coming together.
With best wishes,

From: Jacky Joseph
Sent: 10 July 2013 13:30
To: Linden Ball
Subject: CONFIDENTIAL: Workforce Planning

Hi Linden,
Following our meeting yesterday I have drafted the attached which is the first document that is required by next week. This is basically just a summary of the staffing profile and summary actions. Would you mind checking the information that I have included and amend or add information where this is missing? I have made a couple of assumptions including the number of Senior Teaching Fellows and also some of the dates but feel free to amend these if you feel that this are not right. I also made a couple of assumptions around the ****Exempt s.43(2)**** bit.
Next steps:
· The performance review panel want this summary document asap (preferably by the beginning of next week) and therefore as soon as you are able to include this information please could you send it back to me?
· By the end of next week we also need to have prepared a brief summary of the changes for the School, including the rationale for these changes and this will be used as the basis for our consultations with Unions and Employees in August.
· We will also need a more detailed action plan, much of which will be around the HR processes that will enable us to achieve these changes, and we will use that attached summary document as the basis for this.
Please do not hesitate to contact should you wish to discuss further. I am here for the rest of the day and then back in on Monday.
Kind regards
Jacky Joseph

From: Frances Ann Kirby
Sent: 11 June 2013 15:48
To: David Andrew Phoenix; Roderick Paul Dubrow-Marshall; Deborah Karen Reid; Dawn Pinckard; Jacky Joseph; Pauline Davies-taylor
Cc: Linden Ball
Subject: Performance Review Document for Psychology
Attachments: ****Exempt s.40(2) and s.43(2)****
Dear All,
Please find attached the Psychology Workforce Planning document for Thursday’s Performance Review.


From: Linden Ball
Sent: 17 May 2013 11:56
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: RE: Workforce planning - School Data

Hi Jacky,
Thanks for this – and for yesterday’s email. I look forward to meeting you next week to discuss the School’s workforce plan in light of our key deliverables and priorities.
It’s good that Dawn Pinckard can also come along to our scheduled meeting. Are you okay if Andrew Churchill joins us as well? I’ve been keeping Andrew updated on various issues relating to workforce planning for the School as well as my own thinking around these matters - and he is also very good at maintaining confidences. I feel the meeting could benefit from his input when it comes to reflecting on issues relating to the detailed delivery of courses and modules, since he is much more in tune with operational level priorities than I am.

Thanks and best wishes,

From: Jacky Joseph
Sent: 17 May 2013 11:46
To: Linden Ball
Subject: Workforce planning - School Data

Hi Linden,
Further to my email yesterday, and to support our workforce planning discussions, please find attached the workforce data for your school.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards

Jacky Joseph

From: Linden Ball
Sent: 08 January 2013 01:52
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: Workforce Plan - Psychology - Updated
Attachments: ****Exempt s.40(2) and s.43(2)****
Hi Jacky,
****Exempt s.40(2)**** , so I spent a couple of hours this evening correcting and updating a few aspects of the Psychology Workforce Plan. If you could run with the attached version for now that would be great. It remains a work in progress since I keep thinking of further issues that need to be dealt with and opportunities to capitalise upon!
Thanks and best wishes,


From: Linden Ball
Sent: 07 January 2013 07:58
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: Draft Workforce Plan - School of Psychology
Attachments: ****Exempt s.40(2) and s.43(2)****
Dear Jacky,
Please find attached my latest draft of the Workforce Plan for Psychology. This is still a work-in-progress, with some sections still incomplete, particularly ones toward the end of the pro forma. But at least you will get a sense of the current context for Psychology and the future directions for the School's planned development as well as the associated workforce requirements. All feedback gratefully received. In the meantime I'll finish off the sections that are incomplete or in note-form.
With best wishes,


From: Linden Ball
Sent: 04 January 2013 15:27
To: Jacky Joseph
Subject: RE: URGENT: School Structures / Workforce Planning

Hi Jacky,
Yes, I've written an advanced draft of the Workforce Planning document, but I'm on leave today and away from my computers! If I email to you the draft this weekend you'll have it first thing on Monday - ahead of the meeting with Dave.
I'd certainly like to amend it in light feedback that I receive, but hopefully the draft will provide a good summary of my current thinking.
Thanks and best issues,

From: Jacky Joseph
Sent: 04 January 2013 14:47
To: Linden Ball
Subject: URGENT: School Structures / Workforce Planning

Hi Linden,
Further to my email below and our subsequent conversations I wondered if you could let me know where you are up to in terms of your proposal? As I understand, there is a meeting next week with Dave at which he wants to see at least a draft document from all Deans.
I know that you had the basis of a document when we last spoke and therefore please could you send me what you have so far. If there is further work that you wish to do on it, this is fine as there will be a number of iterations and I can make a note that you wish to do some further work on it.

Many thanks

From: Jacky Joseph
Sent: 22 November 2012 10:26
To: Akintola Akintoye; Robert Roy Wallace; Linden Ball; Aidan Richard Clive Worsley; Antony DEmanuele
Cc: Nichola Swift
Subject: URGENT: School Structures / Workforce Planning

Dear All,
Further to the SMT Away day that took place on Monday 12th November, we understand that discussions took place about School structures. From that you were advised that HRMs would be meeting with you in order to assist with the development of your ideal structure for your school, taking into consideration what it is your School needs to deliver going forward in order to deal with the challenging times ahead. At this stage, you are being asked to think radically about what this structure would look like, without, for example, the current constraints enforced by national agreements and our current grading structures/role profiles.

In order to assist with this process we have produced a set of prompts (attached) which will provide direction in terms of the sort of questions that you need to ask yourself when developing your vision. I will obviously support you in this process and will be arranging appropriate meetings over the next couple of weeks in order to get these proposals developed. As part of that I will be questioning any proposals that are put forward to ensure that we have considered the prompts on the attached document and that we have also addressed any key deliverables for your School.
Please could you review this document prior to our meeting and give some detailed thought to what your proposals would be as we will be required to submit something quite soon.
Should you wish to discuss in the interim please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Jacky Joseph
HR Manager
University of Central Lancashire
Tel: 01772 892335
Fax: 01772 892933

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